They have forgotten the sword, but for a few the prophecy would have been lost completely.
Back on the Tun Plain, the halfling had dared to hope he could forget the sword.
He started immediately with the field generators and gradually he forgot the guard and the pilot and the sword still hanging over his head.
But he has not forgotten the sword of Isildur or his maimed hand and the pain that lives ever with him.
And he was so overjoyed to have him safe that he almost forgot the sword which he had sent him to bring.
He had forgotten the drawn sword in his hand so that the blade, a curved sabre, nearly sliced into Private Peters.
I forgot the sword entirely.
Forget the magic sword.
When they enter the woods, they bring various weapons, but forget the sword.
When Ordonez moved the cloth on the ground, the bull forgot the sword and lowered his head to smell the cloth.