After all, if Dan were capable of Christian charity and had a forgiving spirit, why did he come to it so belatedly?
GIVEN the play's human nature and forgiving spirit, "The Tempest" is a well-tempered title.
He encouraged them to turn back to God and accepted them with a forgiving spirit.
A close companion to a forgiving spirit is a clear conscience.
So it was with a very comfortable feeling indeed and with an almost forgiving spirit toward Andy Foger that our hero started down the path to the lake.
She has such a forgiving spirit!
I wish an old aunt of mine-Aunt Edith-had had Lincoln's forgiving spirit.
The priests tell me these are weaknesses I must overcome, and my brother Marcan prays for me to be given a more forgiving spirit.
"Good-bye, Mr. Bennett," I said, offering to shake hands in a forgiving spirit.
But I see you are of a forgiving spirit.