But even with her departure, nothing could fix the moment, as evidenced by the two forlorn little faces staring at the floor.
Pity leaped to the ceiling and adhered there, anger marking her usually forlorn face.
She frowned at her forlorn face in the mirror and got into bed.
Most notably, the words "peace" and "love" are all over the wall, along with a bunch of lovingly forlorn faces.
Quentin looked down into the water and saw only a forlorn and haggard face peering back at him.
Lunching at one top restaurant, I'm surprised when its chef comes to me with a forlorn face.
I saw his dirty and forlorn face at the window.
A small, forlorn face was looking out of the window there.
Still, forlorn faces spread through the clubhouse as word of the injury was passed along.
Finally, I got sick of looking at my own forlorn face and I left.