In this manner a knowledge structure takes the form of a semantic network.
The concept map is a form of a semantic network or semantic graph.
The variegation is in the form of a densely-reticulated network of veins that are a much lighter green than the rest of the leaf tissue.
The most common form of a unidirectional network is a simple, modified, fiber-optic cable, with send and receive transceivers removed for one direction.
One such way is to depict interactions in the form of a network, which identifies the members and the patterns that connect them.
An attenuator is a form of a two-port network with a generator connected to one port and a load connected to the other.
The small group sizes and low teacher-to-student ratio leads to a strong group identity which extends beyond the studies in the form of a graduate network.
The relationships among many-to-many appears in the form of a network.
It would also make sense to perhaps allow national and regional credit rating agencies to operate in the form of a European network.
The Universal Peace Mission Movement still exists in the form of a network of independent churches, businesses, and religious orders.