Many of her poems are written in the form of dramatic monologues, where the speaker is usually a marginalized woman from a lower class or caste.
Jenkinson's public portrayals take the form of lengthy monologues followed by Q & A sessions as the character (in costume) featured for that performance.
He could be there working on that and founding a whole new form of monologues.
Much of Ai's work was in the form of dramatic monologues.
Written in the form of monologues, bankers and others across the financial sector speak about their lives and describe a typical working day.
Early on, most of it took the form of monologues or dramatizations of real events, almost all to do solely with West.
Most of the latter material was originally delivered on radio in the form of monologues.
Much of the wit is only tangentially musical, coming instead in the form of monologues made of words not sounds.
She wrote the scene in the form of monologues, and I said: "Caryl, that's too difficult."
We could thank her equally for Shostakovich's "Satires," five songs in the form of musical monologues.