They can be associated with forms of pre-excitation syndrome.
Of the millions experiencing strokes worldwide, over 30,000 in the United States alone have developed some form of Dejerine-Roussy syndrome.
His mind functions perfectly, however, leaving him trapped inside his own body (which could also be described as a special form of locked-in syndrome).
However, many if not all of those cases represent forms of Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome or related disorders, in particular Cowden's disease.
Congenital nephrotic syndrome is a very rare form of nephrotic syndrome.
Refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia is a form of myelodysplastic syndrome.
Moreover, it is not a form of hypereosinophilic syndrome as there is no evidence that it leads to organ damage.
Consider the case of Sanne, a Dutch baby girl who was born with a severe form of Hallopeau-Siemens syndrome, a rare skin disease.
Minimal change disease: A form of nephrotic syndrome in which kidney cells look almost normal under the microscope.
They will in most cases lead to brain damage, or a range of specific physical abnormalities usually identified as some form of 'syndrome'.