Most forms of entertainment have persisted over many centuries, evolving due to changes in culture, technology, and fashion.
Although competing forms of Christianity emerged early and persisted into the 5th century, there was broad doctrinal unity within the mainstream churches.
Its form might persist for a time, even after those who created it had perished.
Instead, he said, the typical form makes an abrupt appearance in the fossil record, and persists unchanged to the time of its extinction.
At least in some cases, the zwitterionic form of amino acids also persists in the gas phase.
Nevertheless, traditional religious forms persist in many regions, blended with Christian elements.
However, covert forms of racism persist in the workforce.
The form persists as an object lesson.
Most forms persist long after the blabbermouths have called "Game over!"
In Munster dialects a dative form persisted, though this has been largely discarded by younger speakers.