Scheduled castes formed about 15 percent of the population in that year.
Industrial workers form barely 27.14 percent of the town's population.
In 2011, Children under 0-6 formed 15 percent of the population, down from 19.88 percent in 2001.
Last Dec. 1, jobless workers formed only 1.67 percent of the labor force.
In 1974 male black officers formed 7.7 percent of the ranks.
While adjuncts can form 60 percent or more of a department's faculty, they usually have no say in department governance.
Brazilian businessmen formed almost half a million new companies last year, 15 percent over the 1992 level.
They form about 60 percent of the white population of the country and have dominated it politically for decades.
Hindus form more than 80 percent of the national population.
Caucasians now form only thirty percent of the total electorate.