Subsequently the team's form slipped and they fell from top spot to eventually finish in sixth place.
However, his form slipped away and the he did not reach 40 in his next 20 innings.
He glided through the opening, and his form slipped to the top of the elevator below.
Down there beside a swift green brook, another form slipped by, running.
Scarcely more distinct than a black specter, the form slipped from its hiding place.
His slim form slipped between several of the grasping arms, and he threw himself on the pack.
A moment later a black form slipped from the truck and edged toward the side of the road, unseen in the darkness.
The window raised, and a silent form slipped into the house.
Instantly the form moved - and slipped over the verge into the blue.
On an impulse, he willed it to him, reaching out as the little form slipped down and forward.