Other forms started to pour out onto the dock from the warehouse.
In the standard language, these forms have started being used as 3rd person polite pronouns.
A third form, one of older, more advanced knowledge, broke from the circle and started toward them.
Then, impossible though this seemed given the blow it had been struck, the form started to haul itself to its feet.
Yet various forms of "Nottaway" started to appear in the early 18th century.
Inflation is when a certain form of currency starts to have less value over time.
After the Revolution various forms of one name started being considered as different names.
Government and some form of society have started to emerge several times.
The standard form of a jazz performance would start with the 'head' which might be 32 bars long.
Brown's form started to deteriorate in 1937-38; scoring only 400 runs at 36.36 for the season.