Within this basin are flat tables of gravel deposits whose edges form terraces.
The older alluvium called bhangar, forms slightly elevated terraces usually above the flood levels.
Stone walls, now completely in ruins, at one time helped to form terraces on the hilly slopes surrounding the houses.
On the valley floor was a fast-flowing river and, wherever space could be found, the earth had been levelled to form terraces.
Larger craters generally display slumping features along the inner walls that can form terraces and ledges.
There had been falls of rock, and these rocks had formed rough terraces.
The rim is sharp edged, and the inner walls slope downward to the interior without forming terraces.
The first way to create land is to form terraces along the slopes of mountain valleys.
The inner walls have formed terraces and slumped shelves in places.
Frost boils often occur in swarms and may form terraces if a series of them surface in a slope.