Most of the children have formed tribes, each with their own distinct makeup and clothes.
The Marat are a warrior people who form tribes based on bonds with different animals, for example horses.
These survivors had formed violent tribes which terrorized anyone who was unable to defend themselves.
These trollkin live in a "kriel"(a group of families living closely together) and usually form tribes.
Just like the people who had united in zawyas, the mujahideen began to form tribes based on their specific occupation.
Many formed new tribes or confederations in response to European colonization.
Second, bands could form "secondary" tribes as a means to defend themselves against state expansion.
Group-forming is what leads us as humans to form families, clans, tribes, and nations.
Little is known about this species, although they seemingly have enough intellect to form societies and tribes, even having their own faith system.
People form tribes with or without us.