This makes it useful for obtaining a smooth edge on the brim of a hat, for example, without forming puckers or wrinkles which would result from the use of traditional flat ribbon or other flat fabric.
Time Zone also normalises your skin so it can resist forming lines and wrinkles for years longer than you'd expect.
The skin should be soft and loose, especially at the head and shoulders, forming wrinkles.
His frown deepened, forming faint wrinkles between his eyes.
If a transaction threatened to be unsuccessful, if a consignment of goods was lost, if a debtor appeared unable to pay, Kamaswami could never persuade his colleague that it served any purpose to utter troubled or angry words, to form wrinkles on the forehead and sleep badly.
If you're a squinter, and if you can possibly use some sort of behavioral modification, it will help you not to form permanent wrinkles in the future.
These ribs are especially conspicuous and more regular on the base, except towards the periphery where they form thinner, irregular wrinkles.
The single garment formed thick wrinkles on the limbs and body.
Over time, this skin dries out and forms small wrinkles, sometimes called crow's feet.
For the Canadian Rockies, the mountain building is analogous to a rug being pushed on a hardwood floor: the rug bunches up and forms wrinkles (mountains).