But they said that many problems in the plan, which was filed on Monday, must be resolved before they could give formal consent.
The bridge was opened in the night, without the formal consent of the Elector, and the boats went on their way.
They received my formal consent, & retired to fix a day.
There is, however, no instance in which the sovereign's formal consent in Council has been refused.
They are still debating other issues, like the best way to allow telephone users to give their formal consent to be tracked.
After the engagement, the boy's party have to honour the maternal uncle of the girl and get his formal consent for the marriage.
This was despite the party having had formal consent from Serbian officials.
Her parents ultimately gave her $1,700 for the abortion, but she arrived from Oklahoma without their formal consent.
The difference is only this, that they gave their formal consent to the change, which we have not yet done.
She retained her powers of administration, however, and the guardian's main if not sole purpose was to give formal consent to actions.