No formal demonstration of any kind was got up to signalise the event, nor did the Government offer facilities to the public for the in- spection of the line.
The more formal anti-Suharto demonstrations consist largely of students.
Hiraga Gennai acquired an elekiter from Holland during his second trip to Nagasaki in 1770, and made a formal demonstration of his elekiter in 1776.
For a formal demonstration of this type, the normal practice uniform is replaced by much more formal wear.
And when we do formal demonstrations of Pukulan Pentjak Silat Serak, we wear formal clothes.
This deals with motion and sense-perception, and is laid out, after the manner of Euclid, as a series of formal demonstrations.
Then one afternoon a few weeks later, in a less formal demonstration, Dr. Whittaker and his colleagues took a van crammed with electronics out onto Pittsburgh's streets.
(2) A formal demonstration that a system or component complies with its specified requirements and is acceptable for operational use.
We give here a slightly more formal demonstration.
CD44 is widely distributed throughout the body, and the formal demonstration of HA-CD44 binding was proposed by Aruffo et al. in 1990.