This is not to say that Mr. Kiarostami, though, is only - or even primarily - interested in formal exploration.
The group dance is a formal exploration of the idea of losing one's footing, physically and metaphorically.
But on another level, the piece is also something very different: a formal exploration of new ways in dance partnering.
Though trappers entered the region in the 1830s, formal exploration by the U.S. Government did not occur until 1878.
Ban's formal explorations with basic building materials helped to lead him into unique structural solutions.
After a neo-Expressionist phase, the choreographer found his signature style in a formal exploration of classical technique.
A scientific investigation and formal exploration of this important site is indeed needed.
The government did not undertake formal exploration and restoration until 1940.
A formal exploration of partnering by two deliberately deadpan dancers becomes overtly sensual.
Even more, however, "Bagne" is a formal exploration of gravity, propulsion and space.