Typically, the requirements in a large system will be documented by a mixture of natural language, semi-formal, formal and graphical notation.
They proposed various formal notations for narrative components and transformations and attempted a descriptive taxonomy of existing stories along these lines.
Among other things, he used the space to encourage amateur guitarists to learn formal notation as opposed to tablature.
Just 24 years later Pietro Cataldi introduced the first formal notation for the generalized continued fraction.
Upon completion of the GLP, students receive a formal notation on their academic transcript.
Indeed, GCL aims to be a formal notation to define algorithms.
It was a formal notation able to describe any context-free programming language, and was important in the development of compilers.
In design, a secondary notation is defined as "visual cues which are not part of formal notation".
To add in the exhaustive count, there is no formal notation.
These schemes include controlled vocabularies and formal notations or parsing rules.