Having reached both formal and spiritual perfection, he returned to the practical world.
However, having reached both formal and spiritual perfection, he returned to the world of books and Muslim jurisprudence.
Neither spirituality nor earthiness is synonymous with frosty, airless formal perfection.
This formal perfection, Schenker argued, gives a musical masterwork "total independence from the world around it."
It is a movie of such exquisitely icy formal perfection that watching it was like viewing something through a tank of liquid nitrogen.
The sculptures' transporting combination of formal perfection, religious gravity and life-affirming alertness can make the setting all but disappear.
These artists saw in African art a formal perfection and sophistication unified with phenomenal expressive power.
Never mind its formal perfection and intellectual complexity.
His house was rather chill in its formal perfection, and looked much as people who buy reproduction furniture would like their houses to look.
Their formal perfection is inescapable - his unrivaled awareness of just what the rectangle visible through his Leica could contain.