He consistently forgoes cleverness, formal rigor and any number of special effects.
The connections with the later commercial pictures entail both formal rigor and a pervasive loneliness.
The formal rigour is replaced by a distinctly expressionist visionariness.
And its formal rigor is itself cause for hope.
It was not easy to balance formal rigor with social content.
The next big moment in the show appears to be 1917-1918, a period of intensive study and formal rigor.
Its formal rigor makes an uncanny order out of images that, at first glance, look like no place or nothing.
Classicism and formal rigor, as exemplified here in repeated movement motifs, are not the same thing.
Yet what makes this remarkable film about industrial food production among this year's best isn't its sometimes shocking subject matter, but its formal rigor.
Here again, shape and movement quality fused into emotional expressiveness without any sacrifice of formal rigor.