Other poets said the strengths of his poems included clarity, wisdom, irony and an ability to handle the contemporary world in formal verse.
He began again, the elegant, formal verse warming to life as he spoke.
It was there that he cultivated an interest in formal verse and began, to use his words, "collecting forms."
From the beginning of her career, Cherry has written both formal verse and free verse.
Clarvoe also has a talent for formal verse.
Both used and contributed to the development of formal verse, a poetic form that was to dominate satire until the eighteenth century.
Indeed, Ms. Hacker is the best friend of anyone trying to learn the writing of formal verse.
With this volume, Lowell returned to writing more formal, metered verse.
Can we compare formal verse to free?
Among children, anyway, an appetite for formal, funny verse seems unimpaired and unslakable.