An affinity group is a group formed around a shared interest or common goal, to which individuals formally or informally belong.
These operations may also be more project-based, involving organisations that may or may not formally belong to any of the units involved.
The suite formally belongs to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, a critical post that has been vacant for more than a year.
Makaure Township later included the area formally belonging to the black railway workers.
Some of these may formally belong to a religious group.
The Brčko District has special status, formally belonging to both entities but effectively self-governing.
With its choice to formally belong to India, a conflict had erupted.
The Hof therefore continued hearing cases that formally belonged to the Hoge Raad which caused some competition between the two courts.
A small minority of candidates did not belong formally to the CP but were chosen through the same government-controlled selection process.
Other modular robotic systems exist which are not self-reconfigurable, and thus do not formally belong to this family of robots though they may have similar appearance.