Bruno was not formally canonized by the Roman Catholic Church, but is nevertheless revered as a saint.
She has not been formally canonized and is not listed in the Roman Martyrology.
His liturgical feast is kept on 1 August., but he was never formally canonized.
He was called a saint after his death, but was never formally canonized.
As a first-millennium saint, she is recognised as a saint by popular acclaim, rather than ever being formally canonized.
On November 14, 906, Camber is formally canonized, forcing Cinhil to deal with his resentment in a new way.
Gertrude was never formally canonized, but a liturgical office of prayer, readings, and hymns in her honor was approved by Rome in 1606.
He has been honored as a saint but has never been formally canonized.
He is the last Scottish saint to appear in the Calendar of Saints, although it is not known if he was ever formally canonized.
Long revered as a Saint, he was formally canonized in March 1998.