A contest, however, can only begin after an election is formally certified, and must take place in the courts.
The government will likely amend the commercial code this spring to certify formally what some have already started doing.
Political leaders are scheduled to meet in May to formally certify that members have met the criteria for joining the euro.
Two years ago another conversion plan was offered, to be eventually approved by the Attorney General's office, which formally certified it last December.
Mr. Chun's hand-picked successor was formally certified as the presidential candidate.
It was formally certified as an open-source license during a March 28, 2002 board meeting of the Open Source Initiative.
In addition, Camber's quality management system has been formally certified under ISO 9001:2008.
The re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was formally certified on Monday.
She'd already formally certified the Tomcat as safe for flight and turned over responsibility to the Yellow Shirt and the pilot.
The diploma nursing program was approved by the State of Illinois in 1911; the state formally certified the program in 1937.