Individuals who had been thrown out of baseball - such as Shoeless Joe Jackson and Hal Chase - were also not formally excluded, though few voters chose to include them on ballots.
The 1662 Act of Uniformity formally excluded from pastoral office in England any who lacked episcopal ordination but this was a reaction against the abolition of episcopacy in the Commonwealth period.
As Austria was thereafter formally excluded from German affairs, so too would Britain be excluded from continental affairs in the event of a German victory.
None were clinically suspected of having HIV disease, although this was not formally excluded by testing.
Although the PRCA never formally excluded people of color, pre-1960s racism effectively kept many minority participants, particularly African Americans, out of white competitions.
Under Augustus, senators and equestrians and their descendants were formally excluded from the infamia of association with the arena and its personnel (arenarii).
Although Spartan women were formally excluded from military and political life they enjoyed considerable status as mothers of Spartan warriors.
The Muslim Brotherhood, often claimed to be the largest opposition group in Egypt, was illegal and formally excluded from the political process until after the revolution.
New investment in the Member States is not formally excluded from the proposals. Nonetheless, the Commission believes priority should be given to nuclear safety and permanent closure.
He was formally excluded from the PASOK in February 2012, along with 21 other MPs who had refused to vote a government memorandum on a new loan agreement.