Leo followed by formally excommunicating Luther by the bull Decet Romanum Pontificem or It Pleases the Roman Pontiff, on 3 January 1521.
He even troubled his kinsman, Gilbert Foliot, on his becoming Bishop of Hereford, and was by him, after three warnings, formally excommunicated.
His spokesman called the consecrations a "grave wound to the unity of the church" and raised the possibility of formally excommunicating the bishops involved.
Dawn describes herself as an agnostic and said the LDS Church formally excommunicated her in 2010.
Schuckardt formally excommunicated Chicoine on June 30, 1984.
In the meantime, many of the local Norman nobles, fearful of Roger's power, allied themselves with Honorius, as Honorius formally excommunicated Roger in November 1127.
Pope Benedict XVI condemned the action and, in a statement, raised the possibility of formally excommunicating those bishops, as well as the two bishops who ordained them.
In 1570 Pope Pius V formally excommunicated Elizabeth I resulting in a new wave of repression of Catholicism in Britain and Ireland.
Pope Leo XIII formally excommunicated Reyes in 1903 as a schismatic apostate.
The Conclave at Reims considered the situation and determined to, as an entire Church, to formally excommunicate both Henry V and the antipope Gregory VIII.