In late June, the Tongan government formally informed the Fiji government that Tongan law made it impossible to extradite Mara.
Mr. Lord drove that point home to Ambassador Li when he formally informed him of the President's decision.
In mid-1946 the LNC formally informed the SR that the Westminster Bridge Road terminus would not be reopened.
The occasion is really the first opportunity for the family of the young man to formally inform the host-family that they are interested in their daughter for marriage.
It was there that they formally informed their superiors of the three major grievances they had.
On 24 March 1904, France formally informed the German ambassador of the new Anglo-French Convention.
I doubt very much that you would have come to call at such an hour without formally informing me you were coming except under pressing circumstances.
Sir Humphrey formally informs him about the Honorary Doctorate and Hacker is surprised and delighted.
They became romantically involved and in October 1992 he moved in with her but did not formally inform the board of this until last March.
Far better, he'd argued, for the Ministry of State to formally inform the Star Kingdom that the Emperor proposed to press his legitimate security interests in Silesia.