Honduras wasted little time in formally seceding from the Federal Republic of Central America once it was free to do so.
In June, Slovenia and Croatia formally seceded from Yugoslavia, bringing the crisis to a head.
As a result, Honduras wasted little time in formally seceding from the federation once it was free to do so.
The island will formally secede in January.
Note: As part of Diet custom, the Speaker and Vice-Speaker of the House must formally secede from their party.
In the American Revolution, the colonists under George Washington seized the fort in 1775, before the colonies formally seceded from the British Empire.
And it could also curb hard-line Serbs' campaign to secede formally from Bosnia.
Paoli then summoned a consulta (assembly) at Corte in 1793, with himself as president and formally seceded from France.
The government here has not formally seceded, but it no longer recognizes the legality of the Federal Government in Belgrade.
In 1724, the Township formally seceded from New Barbadoes.