At this time the club renamed itself for the second time, dropping '1969' from its name, thereby formally severing its link with its city of origin.
In the 1990s, the Corp formally severed all of its ties with Georgetown University.
In February 1951, Johnson formally severed her relations with the Progressive and Communist Parties.
The announcement was made yesterday, although Mr. Mann formally severed his connection with the theater on July 25.
Nor is there a legal equivalent of divorce or disowning by which siblings can formally sever their ties.
He then formally severed the marriage by Decree of Departure and raised ship, without knowing whether there would be a child, since his orders were a matter of emergency.
The alliance continued until December 1933, when Walmsley and the Old Regulars formally severed the relationship going into Walmsley's mayoral reelection campaign of 1934.
Barrows stepped back, as though formally severing the ties between them.
Murshid Quli never formally severed his links to the Mughals and continued to send annual tribute to Delhi.
Matters came to a head in 1968 when the War Widows Guild formally severed its connection with Vasey Housing.