The judges were then "dumbfounded," in the words of one who spoke on condition of anonymity, to learn a few days later that Chief Justice Rehnquist, the day after the vote to defer action, formally transmitted the proposal to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Karl Anselm, 4th Prince of Thurn and Taxis then reformed the Order and was able to formally transmit the Order to descendants to this day.
Just as the Uniform Rules of Evidence had, the advisory committee draft of the rules that the Supreme Court formally transmitted to Congress codified nine evidentiary privileges-required reports, attorney-client, psychotherapist-patient, husband-wife, communications to clergymen, political vote, trade secrets, official secrets, and identity of informer.
On August 10, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon formally transmitted the Biological Weapons Convention to the United States Senate for ratification.
But even without that, Administration officials do not expect any of the committee's members to block it from formally transmitting the treaty to the United Nations so that the accord can be signed in Paris early next year.
But on Wednesday or Thursday, there is going to be some kind of a ceremony at the Capitol when the President will formally transmit the proposed legislation to Congress.
They also serve as House liaisons to the U.S. Senate, formally transmit all official actions taken by the House, and prepare the official records of all changes to legislation made on the floor.
Rather, ten states rejected the Resolutions, with seven states formally transmitting their rejections to Kentucky and Virginia and three other states passing resolutions expressing disapproval.
The Committee approves the Committee Report and formally transmits the same to the Plenary Affairs Bureau.