With the regular season concluded, and no points on the line, the format encouraged more "all-out" racing.
The agency says this will eventually save $1 billion a year as the standard format encourages more and more electronic filing.
This format not only focused on the artists of the region but also encouraged interaction among artists at different points in their careers.
The format encourages the speaker to discuss, in Himes's words, "the issues that matter most and have been truest in life."
The enlarged format encourages Ms. Clooney to swing out with even more vigor than she has displayed in her previous appearances.
Its open-corridor format encourages pupils to work on individual projects while following the standard New York City curriculum.
This format encourages players of all levels to compete for trophies and awards against opponents of similar playing ability.
This smaller format also encouraged more extroverted playing from the band members, often at very high volumes.
The format of the show encourages spontaneity and the conversation often diverges wildly from technology topics.
Some Council members who participated in the meeting complained that the format did not encourage enough give-and-take.