The format of tonight's forum did not lend itself to give and take among the candidates.
Thirdly, the quantitative format of functional assessment lends itself to use by managers and policy makers as survey data instead of as individual assessments.
This format lends itself to exploring different outcomes or motives that similar events could have had under other circumstances.
A good format will lend a hand to display products well and entice the target customers to spawn sales.
Pie charts were not included because this format did not readily lend itself to describing risks over time.
I heartily agree with Ngavc that this format does not really lend itself to our ongoing argument/slander/conversation.
The format lends itself to the station mascot's name, "Url the Squirrel" (Urban Rock Local).
Public radio's talk-heavy format also lends itself very nicely to an on-demand format.
"Sometimes the formats lend themselves to who best can walk around the stage, act dramatically," he said.
This format naturally lends itself to waveguide post filter designs.