A flying formation of three wings of dragons dominated the upper portion of half the hanging.
On Friday, Mr. Mungul-Diaka announced the formation of a Government dominated, he insisted, by members of opposition groups.
Precambrian formations of the Daling series of quartzites and phyllites dominate the area.
The formation dominated European battlefields in the sixteenth century and the first half of the seventeenth century and is seen by historians as a major development of Early Modern combined arms warfare.
The limestone plateau covers two-thirds of the country, so that karst formations dominate the island.
Two major formations dominate the Descartes Highlands area: the Cayley plains and the Descartes formation.
This formation, which resembles a saddle when viewed from most of Orange County, California, dominates the county's eastern skyline, and on the clearest days can be seen from most of the Greater Los Angeles Area.
Potential formation of a secondary atmosphere by outgassing dominated by the Tharsis volcanoes, including significant quantities of HO, CO, and SO.
Dominating the Garibaldi chain are volcanoes and other volcanic formations that formed during periods of intense glaciation.