Geologic elements, climate, and the frequency of storms and fire are formative processes for the Everglades.
Four primary geophysical structures are intimately tied to the formative processes of the Oak Ridges Moraine:
Its granite composition and the glacial formative processes are readily apparent when viewing its craggy rocky peaks.
Such environments might leverage self- and peer-assessment, again as part of formative processes.
However, the step from supercell (or other respective formative processes) to tornadogenesis and predicting tornadic vs. non-tornadic mesocyclones is not yet well known and is the focus of much research.
In the Triassic and Jurassic formations there are eruptions of faults from volcanic eruptions during the formative processes.
Rearing a child is a formative process, requiring diverse skills and a sense of how the pattern is taking shape, and the extent to which it must grow before it is complete.
In Devon, it was so common that in the mid-1800s it was used in the formative processes of butter, instead of churning cream or milk.
This groups live out a formative process that includes: a preparation course, political campaign, election making process, an oath and a year to perform their duties.
Word formative processes in Camfranglais.