Overfishing has depleted some formerly abundant Atlantic fisheries, including the Grand Banks, off Newfoundland.
The name Hackmatack is an Algonquin term for the American tamarack or Larix laricina, an evergreen formerly abundant in regional wetlands.
The American elm was formerly abundant but its population has been severely reduced by Dutch elm disease.
Unfortunately, as Bermuda's human population (and fishing) has increased there has been an equivalent drop in the populations of the sound's formerly abundant shellfish, such as Bermuda Scallops.
The name "Seacow Head" was given in reference to the walrus, formerly abundant in nearby waters, and is not connected with Steller's Sea Cow or other Sirenia.
Peninsula Vineyard (formerly Abundant Life Centre) is a Christian church affiliated with Association of Vineyard Churches.
It was formerly abundant in the Isle of Man.
The species was formerly abundant in coastal regions of Burma, but is now known principally from the lower Ayeyarwady Delta.
The parrot was formerly abundant on the island but was persecuted by the early settlers there because of its raids on their crops and gardens.
In India, prey was formerly abundant.