He had triumphed over these formidable beasts, but their masters must surely be not far behind.
Altogether he was certainly a formidable beast, lean and sinewy as a creature of the jungle.
This one measured five feet in height--a formidable beast.
For generations they had been bred for speed and endurance; so that in all the world there were no such formidable beasts of prey as these.
What savage faces, what fierce and formidable beasts were this very instant watching the lapping of the waves upon its farther shore!
He is "fierce like a formidable wild beast" (RV 2.33.11).
Do they laugh their young men's laughter when they think of the once formidable old beasts they have caged?
The hounds had been shipped from Chiatze, formidable beasts with huge jaws and powerful shoulders.
And there were formidable beasts in the mountains.
Each branch ends in a set of strong jaws, which have been known to drag down and devour large and formidable beasts of prey.