None of this satisfies the Fanjuls, who plan to continue using their formidable resources in the search.
Without being asked, Saphira joined forces with him, granting him access to the formidable resources of her body.
Such candidates were usually overmatched by the union's formidable legal and financial resources.
But the city could not build, plan or invest its formidable resources in ways that addressed its needs and aspirations as a whole.
The Communists still retain formidable resources in property and patronage, which they jealously protect.
But the Bureau did have formidable resources, and it wouldn't be the only agency involved.
The company's client list includes some of the largest food manufacturers, companies with formidable resources.
Some political professionals say the Biden campaign, for all its formidable financial resources and well-known staff, has been sputtering.
Given their formidable resources, they would have a substantial contingent of operatives at the airport.
I hope the Borough President will use his formidable resources to help them get it.