Like his writings, they can look just formless and chaotic, but that's because they are about the formless chaos of his illness.
The word finds its origin in the Hebrew of Genesis 1:2 (tohu wa-bohu), where it describes the formless chaos of the primordial universe.
She felt herself dragged down again toward madness, into the formless chaos of the group mind.
The surface of this star was no formless chaos; there was pattern here, as in everything that nature created.
He knew that this formless chaos, visible only by the glow that limned its edges from fire-mists far beyond, was the still unused stuff of creation, the raw material of evolutions yet to be.
In the beginning there was nothing in the universe except a formless chaos.
The world around him was formless chaos.
In this conception of the cosmos, the Son sits as an intermediary between the immovable source of all existence (the Father) and the formless chaos of Matter.
The picture that had been painted indistinctly in blackness and phosphorescence now whirled with movement, became a formless chaos.
The Pangu legend tells a formless chaos coalesced into a cosmic egg.