One senses a rapport and chemistry between the women that transcends the formulaic plot.
Criticism has singled out its use of formulaic plots, monsters of the day, and stock footage.
The film, writes Stephen Holden, "gives character development a distant back seat" to the "mechanics of its formulaic plot."
Common points of criticism included the excessively sentimental screenplay and music as well as the formulaic plot.
A reasonably good western, all things considered, despite a formulaic plot and a high cliché count in the dialogue.
The film is noted for its formulaic plot and its poor production values.
The critical consensus for the film was "energetic and gritty, despite a formulaic plot".
The term retained its earlier suggestion that such movies relied on formulaic plots, "stock" character types, and simplistic action or unsophisticated comedy.
The quality of the fiction was very low, and Bates would not accept any experimental stories, relying mostly on formulaic plots.
The film is considered a B-movie due to the poor sound quality, formulaic plot, and low-grade special effects (amongst other things).