In response to questions by Council members, who were in the process of formulating punitive measures against Massachusetts, he bluntly warned that repression would provoke rebellion.
After independence, the Government of Pakistan appointed National Commissions on Food and Education with the terms of reference to review the agrarian system and to formulate measures for developing agricultural potential.
The study's aims are to formulate short-term and long-term measures to control congestion and to find transportation solutions, including a truck route to be built parallel to the Sagtikos Parkway.
The Presidential Council, which was authorized to formulate and enact "necessary measures" to tackle the country's political and economic crises, was also named by Alia on Feb. 22.
To formulate and propose model legislative or other such measures for the advancement of the computing services industry and the community and to promote opportunities for the interchange of opinions on various matters.
"If exports grow too fast, the industry will formulate measures, and the government will give its support to any industry self-restraint measures," Mr. Wang said to the trade official, according to the Web posting.
It also formulated national and international policies and measures for accelerating the development process in the least developed countries for the 1990s.
We can then formulate any new requirements and measures on the basis of that.
In this context, greater commitment from the EU is required, along with increased efficiency in formulating measures to assist the stabilisation and revitalisation of this region in a process that must involve all the countries concerned.
The task force was formed to formulate measures for the protection of elephants in India.