Plans to build a new stadium in Manchester were formulated before 1989 as part of the city's bid to host the 1996 Summer Olympics.
Many scenes in the book are formulated around historically significant moments in Jesus' final days before the crucifixion.
Though chronologies formulated before the 1960s are subject to serious skepticism today, more recent results are more robust than readily appears to journalists and enthusiastic amateurs.
They are indeed invariant under Lorentz transformations and are relativistic, even though they were formulated before the discovery of special relativity.
For each of the areas an environmental traffic management strategy was formulated and 'before' studies on the existing traffic and environmental situation carried out.
It was formulated by the famous French mathematician Pierre de Fermat before 1640.
Comments and suggestions are collated and national views will be formulated, before the members of ISO vote on the proposal.
Debré created the École nationale d'administration, whose idea was formulated by Jean Zay before the war.
Though certain ideas, such as that concerning Cuda, had already been formulated before this period.
This regulation was formulated before the crisis.