Two of the largest companies aspiring to offer wireless telephone services plan to hold off bidding during part or all of the forthcoming high-stakes auctions for radio licenses.
Mr. Allsopp also admitted that, given all the adverse publicity the forthcoming auction has received, he realized it might have been a particularly difficult sale.
Details of forthcoming auctions are published in the weekly Gazette de l'Hôtel Drouot, sold at newsstands and by subscription.
At a forthcoming auction at Christie's in New York, for example, the Hirshhorn will be selling some two dozen objects.
The forthcoming auctions are offering some rare works, too, and many dealers question just how much the market can absorb within the next 10 days.
The house, the final lot in Sotheby's forthcoming auction, is estimated to sell for $1.5 million to $2 million.
Major items in the forthcoming auction include a Canada goose decoy with an outstretched neck by Nathan Cobb and a bluebill drake by Albert Laing.
Michael Schumacher's luxury Formula One bus is one of the star lots at RM's forthcoming auction in Battersea.
Uncertainty on Treasury Needs Most analysts are expecting that the Treasury will auction $30 billion or more of new securities at the forthcoming auctions.
The forthcoming auction is one of the city chapter's important sources of operating revenue.