Warner Brothers release albums free online to publicise forthcoming concerts.
Ms. Collins has written "A Song for Sarajevo," which she will sing in her forthcoming concerts.
The agency Bohemia Ticket has full details of forthcoming concerts, and online booking, on www.bohemiaticket.cz, as well as helpful staff at its office at Male namesti 13.
Jumping Aboard the Swinging Rhythm Here are some forthcoming concerts and recent records featuring the jazz drummers in the critic's notebook article.
Did she ever dream her intoxicating blend of voice and looks would find her singing for statesmen, and selling out a forthcoming concert in Copenhagen in 14 minutes?
It covered topics relevant to the Irish classical music scene and included a comprehensive diary of forthcoming concerts and other musical events throughout the country.
Paul McCartney has decided to beat record bootleggers at their own game by releasing a limited edition recording of his forthcoming concert on MTV.
Caroline reads about the forthcoming concert during her holiday, guesses what Barbara intends, and rushes back to take Miranda's place, foiling Barbara's scheme.
On November 11, 2011, Adriano Cintra announced that he left CSS and declared that he did not authorize any of the band members to use his songs in any of their forthcoming concerts.
The local events finder, a new feature, is helpful in tracking and displaying forthcoming concerts, festivals, plays and the like.