While the world now knows the Duke of Edinburgh's characteristically forthright views about wind energy, how green is the Queen?
David will give his forthright views on a number of issues, including the state of the game in this country.
He soon became the team's captain and had "forthright views on how the game should be played".
Once in parliament, however, Maxton's forthright views often caused controversy.
Tapsell is known for his forthright views and is no stranger to controversy.
It has been conjectured that his forthright views were the reason that he was never selected to play any representative cricket.
Chinese-speaking entrants provided fresh, forthright views on the damaging consequences of the Cultural Revolution.
Republic regularly criticises Prince Charles for expressing forthright views and lobbying on political issues, which the group says is unconstitutional.
A woman of such forthright views as yourself would, I feel, lend considerable weight to this project.
Demblon was noted for forthright views, notably a strong anti-clericism.