Russia's wealthy businessmen, who had made a fortune buying and selling companies once controlled by the Government, had bridled at his tough talk about collecting back taxes and allowing money-losing enterprises to go bankrupt.
Mr. Silverman, who has made a fortune buying and selling companies, was offering to pay $9 a share more than Mr. Greenberg.
Salazar had made his fortune buying and selling waterfront real estate, and his first acquisition was a choice little peninsula that projected like a golden finger into Biscayne Bay.
Ablah made his initial fortune buying and selling oil companies and real estate.
In the novel, they are represented by Cottard, who welcomes the plague and uses the economic deprivation that results from it to make a fortune buying and selling on the black market.
Mr. Sillerman, a graduate of Brandeis University, made his fortune buying and selling radio stations and producing live concerts.
Mr. Sillerman, who made his fortune buying and selling radio stations and in the music concert business, said he expected to announce within several months major new financial support for the changes.
He has made his fortune buying, expanding and then sometimes selling businesses.
Umberto made a fortune buying and selling houses in Toronto during the real estate boom there.