The fortunes of the two rested largely with their economic fate.
Now his fortune rests on those geeks.
Thus, its fortunes will largely rest with refining and petrochemicals for some time to come.
Franklin needed little wifely encouragement, for example, to attend to the well-being of labor, the constituency on which his political fortunes largely rested.
"Mayhap he feels his fortunes rest more with the English than his own king."
His fortune rests on a two-decades-old piece of insider trading involving a successful international canal scheme.
And you shallsee how your fortune rests upon them.
Markovic said that the country's fortunes now rested largely on the conduct of the various republics and autonomous regions which made up the federation.
The fortunes of the government will now rest with two independent House of Commons backbenchers.
Team's fortunes may rest on how well either Brown or Douglas runs offense.