The world's largest forum of educational video will take place in October this year in the Netherlands.
A second statewide forum took place in 1996, focusing on the needs of pro se litigants, with continuing follow-up from all participants.
The society is reacting to concerns within its top ranks that the forums had taken too aggressive an approach, according to people close to the board.
The forum will take place in Reisinger Auditorium, and admission is free.
While forums such as these can take a community-wide approach, they rarely have executive power, being largely bodies for debate and comment.
It gives the membership a chance to consult with the executive committee on the direction which the forum will be taking in the year ahead.
But he said yesterday that he was not yet sure what form the forum should take or how much authority it should have.
In the presidency's view, this forum could take either of two forms.
However, prior to that, the first annual forum of the Baltic Sea Strategy will take place next year.
The forum took place on July 9, 2009.