At a thousand irals, Brim verified that a small amber FLARE light in the forward panel had illuminated, indicating that the autohelm's self-test was complete.
The 'cat had a fairly up-to-date communications block mounted in the forward panels.
The visual displays on his forward panel and windshield showed the necessary speed and navigation data along with the status and firing cues of his missile delivery systems.
The glass of the forward panels was much thicker and stronger, but several crushing blows broke it too.
"Will you let me take a look at the forward panel, if you're all through playing with it?"
As the rest of them watched, the android manipulated the controls on the forward panel.
Rudy turned back toward the forward panel in silence and put his head in his hands, the images Ken had created still swimming through his mind.
Kat looked back at the forward panel, seeing nothing, her mind darting after a dozen possibilities at once.
He shook his head as he made an adjustment on the forward panel.
His hand moved around the forward panel, adjusting various settings for the autopilot and dialing in the instrument landing approach frequency.