But The Shadow's forward rush was not halted by the power of that paralyzing ray.
He hit her with the impetus of his forward rush and knocked her off-balance.
Blade waved the ax in Gershon's face, stopping his forward rush.
He jarred me down and turned to check the forward rush of Jack, holding him as easily as he had me.
Neither wound was serious, and in the forward rush of events he had nearly forgotten them.
Dozens advanced the dates of their caucuses and primaries, and many others still plan to join the forward rush.
At the projecting bastion, he seized the railing to the side to halt his forward rush and spin himself around the corner.
And indeed, they pause at his voice, slowing their forward rush, lowering their weapons slightly.
The forward rush of the blurred wheels was faster than his sidelong slip.
My forward rush took him backwards as he was struggling to his feet and our combined weight Upped his chair over with a crash.