It partners with forward-thinking companies that operate both onshore and offshore, and invests in innovations, developing new products and processes that are faster, better, more efficient, and more cost-effective.
These are innovative and forward-thinking small and medium companies interested and ready to export green building products to Brazil.
Two years ago we looked at benefits like tuition reimbursement, domestic partner benefits, adoption assistance and day care flexible spending accounts, and those were only being given to full-timers, and only among forward-thinking companies.
Today, the WBCSD is a CEO-led organization of forward-thinking companies that galvanizes the global business community to create a sustainable future for business, society and the environment.
I have never before had the privilege to work for such an environmentally-conscious, safe, dynamic and forward-thinking company.
Brad Grey, co-chairman of Brillstein-Grey, said ABC had "demonstrated what a forward-thinking company it is."
The BRT was a forward-thinking company, and sought to design a car that improved upon those already in use on the IRT subway.
We are a forward-thinking company and we're certainly moving with the times.
Mechanical transport was seen to work, proving its vast potential beyond doubt to forward-thinking companies such as Scammell.
There was a time when forward-thinking companies refused to do business in, and recommended against travel to, South Africa (among other places) because that regime practiced strict racial segregation and disenfranchisement of black Africans.