Farmers found the delicate fossil, embedded in sandstone, and brought it to the attention of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Beijing.
After a minute has passed, the targets are left as statues with images of other fossils embedded in them.
Due to a tight schedule, Zalmout had to leave the exposed fossil embedded in the rock for the next few days because collecting it would require days of work.
Above the arcade the first storey has a limestone façade created from local limestone, notable for the numerous marine fossils embedded in the stone.
Orcutt discovered fossils embedded in the asphalt deposits on the Hancock ranch shortly after he moved to Los Angeles in 1901.
They all clustered around the base of the cliff, looking at the layer of shale with his fossil embedded in it, examining his find.
At some time in the distant past Malta was submerged, as shown by marine fossils embedded in rock in the highest points of Malta.
The stone in this deposit is very fine-grained, and the details of fossils embedded in it, even the outlines of fleshy membranes, have been superbly preserved.
To complement this text, the Web site contains pictures of the fossils embedded in rock.
Waldron is known for its shale, due to the richly preserved fossils embedded within.